Our Services


At Sage Mediation, we focus on guiding you through the intricacies of conflict resolution with unmatched expertise and care. Sarah brings her status as a Florida Supreme Court-certified Circuit Civil, Family, and County mediator and 25 years of experience working closely with community stakeholders. This unique combination of mediation certification and hands-on experience in community engagement equips her with a profound understanding of the human dynamics at play in any dispute. Her approach is rooted in practical, real-world solutions that consider the diverse perspectives of everyone involved, enabling her to navigate even the most complex situations with empathy and effectiveness. Scroll down to discover how our specialized mediation services can help resolve the specific disputes that matter most to you.

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Mediation , Community

SMC caters to the following mediation clients and services

If you are involved in a business or local government dispute, I encourage you to consider mediation. It’s a valuable tool for resolving disputes quickly, with less expense (in attorney fees and time), in a fair and efficient manner.

Mediation can help both parties in a dispute or lawsuit to:

  • Improve communication and understanding between the parties.
  • Build trust and cooperation between the parties.
  • Minimize the emotional and financial costs of the dispute.
  • Avoid the uncertainty and delays of litigation.
  • Prevent adverse media attention.

Here’s an example of how mediation can benefit a business owner who is in dispute with a city or county government over a zoning issue:

A business owner wants to expand their business, but the local government is not allowing it. The business owner could choose to litigate the case, but this would be a costly and time-consuming process. The business owner could also choose to give up on their expansion plans, but this could hurt their business in the future.

The owner who chooses to mediate the dispute opens a communication channel for the business owner to discuss the case in a confidential setting with a local government agent with the help of a neutral mediator. The mediator helps the parties to understand each other’s positions and helps the parties to explore possible solutions to the dispute.

If the mediation is successful, the owner and the local government reach a mutually agreeable solution: This could be a compromise that allows the owner to expand their business or to address the local government’s issues about the expansion plans. Mediation is a much more efficient and cost-effective way to resolve a dispute than litigation, and it’s a way for the owner to maintain a positive relationship with the local government and for both parties to avoid negative publicity.

Here are a few instances of disputes where mediation can be beneficial:

  • Permits and licenses
  • Zoning and land use
  • Taxes and fees
  • Public infrastructure and Services
  • Municipal Ordinances
  • Eminent Domain
  • Public Records and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
  • Environmental regulations
  • Contract disputes
  • Civil cases (such as slip and fall accidents)

If you are an insurance company involved in a dispute, represent an insurance company, or are in a dispute with an insurance company, I encourage you to consider mediation. Mediation is a valuable tool for resolving disputes that helps to protect the reputation of the individual and the company, ensures confidentiality of the case, and helps with overall customer satisfaction.

Mediation can also help parties in insurance disputes to:

  • Improve communication between the insurance provider and policyholders.
  • Build trust with policyholders.
  • Resolve disputes more efficiently.
  • Avoid negative publicity.
  • Improve customer satisfaction.
  • Minimize the emotional and financial costs of the dispute.
  • Avoid the uncertainty and delays of litigation.
  • Protect the privacy of both parties.

Here is an example of how mediation can benefit a first-party property insurance dispute:

An insurance company is involved in a dispute with a policyholder over a claim. The policyholder is demanding a large sum of money, and the insurance company believes the claim is invalid. The policyholder could choose to litigate the case, but this would be a costly and time-consuming process. The insurance company could also choose to settle the case, but this could mean paying out more money than they believe the claim is worth.

both parties may instead choose to mediate the dispute. Mediation allows the parties to discuss the case in a confidential setting with the help of a neutral mediator. The mediator helps both parties to communicate with one another and to understand each other’s positions. The mediator also helps the parties to explore possible solutions to the dispute.

If mediation is successful, the insurance company and policyholder reach a mutually agreeable solution. Mediation is a more efficient and cost-effective way to resolve the dispute than litigation. It’s also a way for the insurance company to protect its reputation and keep the details of the dispute confidential.

If you are an HOA (Homeowner’s Association) or a resident involved in a dispute, I encourage you to consider mediation. Mediation is a valuable tool for resolving disputes that helps to protect both the HOA and resident reputation; it ensures confidentiality and helps with overall resident relations and satisfaction with the association (and management).

In addition to these benefits, mediation can also help within the HOA to:

  • Improve communication
  • Build trust
  • Resolve disputes more efficiently
  • Avoid negative publicity
  • Improve resident satisfaction
  • Protect the reputation of the HOA

Here is an example of how mediation can benefit an HOA and resident in a dispute:

An HOA is involved in a dispute with a resident over a rule violation. The resident refuses to comply with the rule, and the HOA is considering legal action. The HOA could choose to litigate the case, which would be costly and time-consuming. It also might lead to bad publicity, which could lower property values for all owners in the association.

The HOA could fine the resident, but this could lead to further conflict; it might escalate the dispute rather than create a resolution.

If the HOA chooses to mediate the dispute, it allows the HOA and the resident to discuss the case in a confidential setting with the help of a neutral mediator. The mediator helps both parties to communicate, understand each other’s positions, and explore possible solutions.

If the mediation is successful, the HOA and the resident reach a mutually agreeable solution. Mediation is far more efficient and cost-effective than litigation, and it’s a good way for the HOA to maintain a positive relationship with all residents and avoid negative publicity.

At Sage Mediation and Consulting, we understand that conflicts in close-knit communities, workplaces, and families can be particularly challenging. When relationships are strained and emotions run high, finding a path to resolution requires a thoughtful, respectful approach. Our mediation services help all parties find common ground and develop practical, lasting solutions.

Faith-Based Mediation
Conflicts can arise in congregations over leadership decisions, doctrinal differences, or interpersonal disputes. These issues can disrupt the harmony of the community and hinder its mission. Our congregation mediation services provide a confidential, neutral space for all voices to be heard. We facilitate discussions that promote understanding, foster forgiveness, and help your congregation move forward in unity.

Workplace Mediation
A productive workplace relies on effective communication and collaboration. When disputes occur—whether due to personality clashes, misunderstandings, or differing work styles—they can impact morale and efficiency. Our workplace mediation services aim to resolve conflicts quickly and constructively, preserving professional relationships and creating a more positive work environment. We work with all parties to identify the root causes of the conflict and develop actionable strategies for resolution.

Elder Care Dispute Mediation
Caring for an aging loved one can bring about difficult decisions and, at times, disagreements among family members. These disputes can strain family bonds and complicate care arrangements. Our elder care dispute mediation services are designed to help families navigate these sensitive issues with compassion and clarity. We provide a neutral forum where everyone’s concerns are addressed, facilitating a collaborative approach to making decisions that are in the best interest of your loved one.

What sets Sage Mediation and Consulting apart?

Expertise Rooted in Government and Community Engagement, Tailored for Dispute Resolution

Sarah’s unique edge in mediation stems not just from her skillful application of diverse mediation techniques but from her deep-rooted understanding of local government dynamics. This background provides her with a distinctive ability to tailor each mediation session to the specific needs and situations of the parties involved, ensuring outcomes that go beyond mere satisfaction to achieve lasting solutions, regardless of the presence of government issues.

Sarah Hannah-Spurlock’s profound insight into the workings of local government enhances her mediation services in a way that’s unparalleled. Her 25 years of immersion in municipal and county environments have endowed her with a keen awareness of the intricacies, policies, and operational structures that define these entities. This knowledge allows Sarah to effortlessly navigate the complexities often encountered in disputes involving government bodies, ensuring a smoother path to resolution.

It’s this profound local government expertise that enriches Sarah’s mediation practice, offering a perspective that transcends the typical boundaries of dispute resolution. Her ability to understand and work within the unique ecosystem of local government not only sets her apart but also makes her an invaluable asset to parties seeking mediation of any nature. Sarah’s approach is about leveraging her comprehensive experience to facilitate effective, informed, and empathetic mediation for all involved.

Sarah is not an attorney

Opting for a non-attorney mediator like Sarah in your dispute resolution process brings a fresh perspective that emphasizes neutrality, understands the core issues at stake, and fosters an environment of open dialogue and collaborative solution-finding. Without the constraints of a legal framework, Sarah focuses on what truly matters to the parties involved, steering discussions toward understanding and mutual agreement rather than entrenched legal positions.

Sarah’s extensive experience outside of the legal field equips her with a unique set of skills, enabling her to approach conflicts with innovative solutions that might not emerge within traditional legal reasoning. Her role as a neutral facilitator encourages all parties to communicate more openly, breaking down barriers to cooperation and allowing for a more fluid, constructive dialogue.

This approach not only leads to more personalized and satisfactory resolutions but is also cost-effective, saving parties the extensive fees often associated with legal proceedings. By prioritizing the interests and needs of the parties over legal technicalities, Sarah creates a space where solutions are not only reached collaboratively but are also more likely to be sustainable and mutually beneficial in the long run.

Choosing Sarah for your mediation needs means investing in a process that values your voice, seeks creative resolutions, and aims for outcomes that respect the interests of all involved.

Flexible hours for those with not-so-flexible schedules

Finding time to address disputes during the standard 9-to-5 workday can be a challenge. That’s why SMC is here to provide you with a solution that fits your busy schedule. Evening and weekend mediation services ensure that you can achieve a resolution without disrupting your work commitments.

Why Choose Mediation to Resolve Your Dispute?

Swift and Efficient: Litigation can drag on for years, consuming valuable resources. SMC mediation services offer a streamlined approach to conflict resolution, enabling all parties involved to arrive at mutually agreeable solutions in a fraction of the time.

Cost-Effective: The financial burden of a courtroom battle can be overwhelming. SMC mediation provides a more affordable option, saving you from the exorbitant costs associated with litigation.

Preserving Relationships: SMC mediation offers open communication and understanding in disputes where ongoing relationships matter. Unlike the adversarial nature of litigation, mediation strives for cooperation and collaboration.

Personalized and Flexible Approach: Every case is unique, and SMC understands that. The mediation process is tailored to suit your situation’s needs and dynamics, ensuring a comprehensive and thoughtful approach to resolution.

Neutral Ground: SMC mediation sessions provide a neutral and confidential environment for all parties to discuss their concerns, interests, and perspectives openly. This environment fosters a productive atmosphere for finding common ground.

Empowerment: SMC mediation empowers you to actively participate in shaping the outcome. Rather than leaving decisions to a judge, you retain control over the solutions that best align with your interests.

Client-Centric Approach: At Sage Mediation and Consulting, you’re not a case number but a valued individual seeking resolution. The client-centric approach ensures that your unique needs and concerns are at the forefront of our efforts.

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